The 2006 ASTAR National
Judges' Medical School was held at the University of North
Carolina School of Medicine March 8-11. 61 judges and 29 faculty
members participated in a highly evaluated series of medical
briefings, grand rounds and case adjudication clinics. One
highlight was a moot court that focused on a case scenario
alleging criminal misconduct in a treatment modality. Chef
Judge Eric T. Washington, DC Court of Appeals and an ASTAR
Director, presided in the oral argument of an appeal to overturn
the trial judges' denial that an indictment against health
care providers be dismissed. Douglas B. Mishkin, Esq., represented
the Attorney General in the case; Daniel M. Freeman, Esq.,
represented the defendant health care provider.
Maryland conducted
three 3-day in-state science workshops for its 23 resource
judges and Ohio conducted four 2-day in-state workshops for
its 20 resource judges between January 2006 and September
2006. This gargantuan effort made possible completion of 120
hours Platform A training by these judges, leading to the
election of all 43 as ASTAR Fellows on October 5, 2006 by
the ASTAR Board of Directors. Curricula for the in-State workshops
are available from Debra B. Koehler, ASTAR coordinator at
the Judicial Institute of Maryland, [email protected]
and from Lisa Sharron, ASTAR assistant at the Ohio Judicial
College, [email protected].
On August 28, 2006
the U. S. Department of Justice awarded ASTAR a grant to ramp
up the Ohio and Maryland ASTAR program to a national scale.
By March 1, 2007, 39 jurisdictions had opted into the program
and plans were made to host up to 215 judges in it over the
next two years.
37 Illinois judges
joined the 43 ASTAR Fellows at the 2006 National Judges Science
School-novel bioscience: evidence, expert witnesses and causation-at
the John Marshall Law School October 6-8 2006. Evolutionary
biology, rogue microbes and childhood cancer comprised the
daily subject themes. Keynoters were Hon. John E. Jones III,
US District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania;
Mark Ryland, Esq., former Washington Office head for the Discovery
Institute; and Alan E. Guttmacher, MD, Deputy Director of
the National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH.
Hon. Sarah Evans
Barker, US District Court for the Southern District of Indiana,
Hon. Thomas R. Fitzgerald, Justice, Supreme Court of Illinois,
and Dean W. H. Knight were newly elected as ASTAR Directors
for five year terms.
ASTAR conducted
for the New York Institute of Judicial Studies a Complex Evidence
workshop October 31-November 2. 65 judges attended.
ASTAR's National
Programs and Project Oversight Committees approved six programs
at their sequential meetings on December 8 at the US Circuit
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Pauline Newman
2006 Inaugural Recipient
The Eveleth Award for
Excellence in Uniting
Science and Justice
Awarded March 10
At the ASTAR National
Judges Medical School
Thomas J. Moyer, above, Chairs ASTAR's US Department of
Justice supported Project Oversight Committee